Tim & Deb's DOOR FRAME of
This is a listing of people who have lost the privileges of winning prizes on
WMMQ because they found the rules of participating as a Movie Maven too
difficult to comply with. Brooke Herman was the first Movie Maven non-compliant,
and forever remains the inspiration for the Door Frame of Shame. Other people
are added for such heinous events as warranted by Tim & Deb.
Current Door Frame of Shame
members list:
Chris Shukwit - Movie Maven
non-compliant 9-20-04
Nicole Hawks -
"Keeping it Juicy" miniskirt 11-9-04
your way off of the door frame
With a donation of $100 or more to the
Humane Society you will gain your freedom from the Door Frame of Shame. Contact
the Tim & Deb radio show for more details.
When Tim & Deb
moved from the basement studio into the new upper studio, they decided to leave
all of these losers in the basement and start anew. This is the original Door Frame of Shame
- Brooke Herman - Movie Maven
- Dave Negus - Movie Maven non-compliant
- Craig Shapple - Movie Maven
non-compliant - on the frame for one week, ending 4/23/99.
- Joe Starin - Movie Maven non-compliant
- didn't even pick up the tickets! 10/4/99
- Shelly Kellog/Slusser - Movie Maven
non-compliant - didn't even pick up the tickets! 2/25/99
- Michelle Schonfelder 4/6/99
- Kevin McDaniels
- Mike Comstock - Movie Maven
non-compliant - didn't even pick up the tickets! He later gave an apology to
Tim & Deb, which they rated as a D+, and was thus forgiven and removed
from the frame (3/24/00)
- Corey Johnson (Not to be confused with
Corey W. Johnson, the attorney) 1/12/01
- Priscilla Tripp 2/9/01
- Jerrene Tripp 4/27/01
- Scott Maas 11-15-01
- Ed McCormick - Crabby fishing pole
thief in Perry Michigan
- Ken Craft - 5-10-02
- Jacob Byron Adams - Posed as
Potterville resident to gain charity during Propane train derailment
- Jack Wynn - July 2002 - No show for
Guest DJ!
- Matt Szczygiel - 1/22/003 - No show for
Guest DJ, breaking the Charles St. Chain!
- Bob Ramos - 1/29/03 - Movie Maven
- Chuck Balmer/Steve Noble - 1/29/03 - Movie Maven
non-compliant. Called 1/31/03
(one week late), claimed the flu. Gave his tickets to an employee who saw a
movie and was supposed to call in. Bunch of lame excuses, Steve noble.
Steve, who is 47, said that he called and called from 9:30 to 10:00, stating
that it was busy the whole time. Said Chuck was humiliated. Chuck got the
flu on Monday, but he gave his tickets to Steve on Friday, because his wife
was with the flu. Deb has decided to take Chuck off of the frame, Steve
takes his place on the frame of shame for one week after which he was
- Al Vandergriff - 2-24-03 - Movie Maven
non-compliant. Had said
that this free movie may determine if his marriage can be saved or not.
Called in Tuesday at 6:35 & barely got himself removed with a lame story
of taking wife to romantic dinner at Hooters..
- Greg Lovell - 7-14-03
Age 29. Movie Maven non-compliant
- Naomi - 3-22-04
- Called on Monday to explain she had car trouble. Got tickets, but didn't
see movie. Tim put her on probation for one week to see a movie and report