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My Beginnings, and my Family


I am the daughter of Auknor, a fabled adventurer from the days of the original Dungeons and Dragons, before AD&D ever came out (Yes, the 1970's!). Auknor had many adventures, and went on to find glory and ultimate adventures, but those are his tales. See below for a chat capture of my telling a friend more about my past!

Also in Albion are my younger sisters, Aukneenia and Auknata, and my younger brother Auknoran. Auknoran came into Prydwen Keep as did I, whereas Auknata is from Adribard's Retreat, in Avalon Marsh. Unlike a lot of people, these other characters are not played by me, but by actual relatives of mine. Okay, most of them anyway...


This is what I looked like when I first started!


My younger sister, Aukneenia. A devout cleric, she doesn't always approve of my playful lifestyle


My kid sister, Auknata, from Adribard's Retreat


My Brother, Auknoran, from Prydwen's Keep


What's this? Seems I have a distant relative in Midgard, on the Galahad server...


My first screen capture, taking a horse ride

My Beginnings in the Dark Age of Camelot

Telken and I had a deep conversation the one day. He told me his story, and I told him mine. We were in our guild house, where I was crafting. The following is our actual chat.

*** Chat Log Opened: Tue Apr 20 23:33:14 2004

Aukness: "As I said, I came into PK last November. From there I started learning the ways of the world and meeting people."

Telken: "aye"

Aukness: "It was around level 5 that I got my first shock. I was out adventuring, and a warrior, Adid, came by, and gave me a full suit of armor!"

Telken: "aye, I heard about him, nice lad"

Aukness: "It was leather, and better than anything I had! (I still have it in fact) I was so impressed with his generosity! Now that I'm higher up and not so naive, I'm sure he was just unloading something useless to him, but whatever... That new armor allowed me to venture further, and so I did. It wasn't long after that, that I caught the attention of Nepthis and Wicyvudd. They both befriended me and became mentors. Both would give me great advice and items to aide me. My first chain armor was a specially crafted suit from Vybryn if I remember correctly, a sub of Nepthis. She kept giving me weapons that were way too powerful for me, and I was starting to kick ass! I was also able to get enough coin together to make me purple, and I started getting remembered."

Telken: "that was nice of her!"

Aukness: "People would actually say, "There's that purple armor chick! Invite her, she's good! This would all be around lvls 10 - 15. Neppy was the first one to take me away from central Albion (aka past Salisbury and black mountains south) and showed me some scary places! It was also around this time that I met Aeoelus..."

Telken: "that was...dangerous of her.."

Aukness: "Yeah, but she was good. We never did die or anything. She really knew her way around, and avoided the really bad stuff"

Telken: "oh, well that's a relief"

Aukness: "Anyway, this Aeoelus would keep inviting me to join groups hunting in the plains, and he started getting hot on me. I found out that you could actually marry here (in the game), and he started proposing."

Telken: "So soon?"

Aukness: "Oh, and going back, right after Adid gave me my leathers, another passerby gave me flowers! I don't know who it was, he was just passing, and commented on the leather!"

Aukness: "yeah, I thought Aeoelus was going a little fast, so I played hard to get!"

<Telken props his arm on the chair>

Aukness: "Besides, I didn't know if I could get a divorce or not, just in case. I was still learning a lot about this game. Come to think of it, I still don't know if you can divorce here..."

Telken: "Come to think of it, neither do I."

Aukness laughs: "And you're a friar! I would think you'd know! <chuckle>"

Telken: "Was' that suppose te mean?" <Telken arches a brow>

Aukness: "Man of the church, I would think you would know of such matters"

Telken: "Like I said before hehe, am nay a man of the church, I am a defender of Albion, I do not work for the church! tehehe! But speaking of flowers, I should have gotten you some [Telken ponders]

Aukness: "Anyway, Aeoelus started getting desperate. He was begging, then getting irritated. "

Telken: "oh?"

Aukness: "I told him that I was a warrior, and not ready to settle down. Then all of a sudden, he said he was leaving for good! He explained that he played on a friends computer and account, and his friend was moving. So with that, Aeoelus disappeared, never to be seen again. Then, someone named Briter started hitting on me, with marriage proposals! I was like, "I don't even know you!" Turns out it was Aeoelus, on his own account. I had to explain to him a few times that Aeoelus was gone, and that I didn't really know Briter. "It's a role play game" I would explain a few times. He didn't get it at first, but finally caught on. I remember telling him that he could start by maybe buying me some flowers... He asked where to get them!"

<Telken stifles a laugh>

Aukness: "I told him he had to figure it out himself! It became obvious that Briter was one of Albion's dimmer subjects! We drifted, and I discovered the Anon feature when I would notice that he was on."

Telken laughs!

Aukness: "He's still on my friends list, haven't seen him in quite a while now. Well, it was during this time, levels 10-20, that I noticed that I was running into a lot of the same people. Groups started to become a lot of fun, and I was really enjoying a lot of adventure. I think this was the period when I met you"

Telken: "I believe we met in darkness falls, you was with a one Messania"

Aukness: "Yes, that's right! Messania is another of Nepthis' subs. I remember that day! Had to battle flying succubae or whatever those hideous things were!"

Telken: "Hehe! cambions!"

Aukness: "Cambion! That's it!"

Telken: "We got ambushed by a nightshade, I offered to take ye to the barrows, but ye politely declined hehe"

Aukness: "Well, anyway, I also met Danyeel around this time, and he became a mentor as well. He was really nice, and I flirted (what a SHOCK, I know), but he turned me down. Cleric and all..."

Telken: "What a silly cleric" Telken ponders.

Aukness: "Well, I'd been through a couple guilds, but they all failed"

Telken: "Hopefully not -all-"

Aukness: "Well, no, this guild is really good! I landed here with you, and you pretty much know the rest of my guild history. I spent a good deal of my early 30's in the Catacombs, mostly solo. I spent my 20's in groups, and 30's soloing. My sister, the cleric, gets so upset with me..."

Telken ponders. "Why so?"

Aukness: "She claims that I dishonor the family with my flirting and such. Says that my father pains at the thought of my actions. But I just want to live life! I chose to be a warrior, to travel and see fantastic things!"

Telken ponders.

Aukness: "To experience many people and cultures! ...and I like to party..."

Telken dances!

Aukness: "...and flirt!"

Telken: "Don't we all?"

Aukness: "Yeah, but she seems to think that I do it to excess. I don't dare tell her that I flirt with some of the ladies too!"

Telken laughs! "Might just fall over dead!"

Aukness: "I know her heart is in the right place, but she get so mad at me at times... I really don't know how my dad feels about it truly, I only hear about him from her. I haven't seen him in a long time. My brother Auknoran; I don't really know where he stands with me. He's so young, we don't really know each other that well."

Telken: "Perhaps a trip home is what you need"

Aukness: "Well, my father travels a lot, he's not at home."

Telken ponders.

Aukness: "He befriended a wizard way back in his early days, and now in their aging days, they travel to places I can't even imagine. Auknor is his name, and he was born in the days of old. Back when D&D was new. He talks of the old tomes, Greyhawk, Eldritch wizardry... and mentions something about 1974... I guess the world was different back then. He told us tales of clearing dungeons, running into fantastic creatures, and so on. I remember he showed me his most prized weapon, a rod of lordly might. "

Telken laughs!

Aukness: "He lived during a time when the gods (DM's) were very tight. Magic was scarce, and magical items were a rare treasure indeed"

Telken: "Odd soundin' weapon, then again, I use a stick."

Aukness: "I don't recall all about his RoLM, but I think it was something that could assume the form of different weapons at will. He would have group mates that would turn on him and try to take if from him even. Anyway, he lived through many adventures, which was a feat in itself. The DM's would play it firm. If a character died, they were dead. Period. Auknor lived. As he aged, he was invited to other realms (or kitchen tables, if you will) where he still gained and survived. He was a really good character so I'm told, making it to 12th level."

Telken cheers!

Aukness: "He used to complain that this thing called AD&D that ruined it. It was once difficult to get to level 10, but now it was nothing to become level 30 or 40, or 50, and travel astral plains and fight dimensional demons... he would rant on and on about that. "In my day" he would say, "it could take a year to gain a level, and you worked hard for it!" I can still hear him! Fiercely proud he is. But, he's retired now, traveling god knows where with is wizard friend. And that's my story!"

Telken claps at you! "Interestin!"

Aukness: "I'm proud to be his daughter actually. I have loads of respect for him. (I even has his original D&D books from the 70's, pre AD&D)"

Telken: "I've always wanted to dying d&d, but no one wants to play no more"

Aukness: "wanted to dying d&d -- ?"

Telken: "er, cross between try, and playing, im sleepy.\"

Aukness: "I understand, that way myself. In fact, I'm gonna have to go in a minute"

Telken: "aw, why so?"

Aukness: "sleepy, get up at 6..."

Telken: "Well, then have a good slumber!"

Aukness: "I shall! Yeah, time to go."

Telken hugs you.

You blow a kiss to Telken!

Telken blushes at you.

You sit down in front of the fireplace.

Telken: "sleeping.. there?"

Aukness: "Gnite now! yeah, it's warm!"

Telken: "But..."

Aukness stands up. "what?"

Telken: "Its.. a hardwood floor! There's a nice bearskin rug here at least!"

Aukness goes and sits on the rug. "I'll sleep here, but it's cold"

<Telken covers Aukness with his cloak>

Aukness: "You could, curl up with me..."

Telken: "Hehe, im not very warm either, but I guess I could! See ye in the mornin' I suppose"

Aukness: "<Yawn> Okay! Good night!"

Telken: "night night"

<Aukness snuggles head into somewhere>

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*** Chat Log Closed: Wed Apr 21 00:47:43 2004



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