"Blood makes the Grass Grow!"

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All the members of my guild, Divine Alliance! They are a great bunch, and I am lucky and honored to be a member with such fine people!



The beloved Telken

Wiccy, my other great mentor

The honorable Sir Wallom

The beloved Danyeel





Nepthis, a great mentor

Messania Sedai, Mentor

Aeoelus and I in front of Camelot. He proposed to me...

Myself with Pibard



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Mythic Entertainment, the Mythic Entertainment logo, "Dark Age of Camelot," "Shrouded Isles," "Foundtations," "New Frontiers," "Trials of Atlantis," "Catacombs," "Darkness Rising," the Dark Age of Camelot and subsequent logos, and the stylized Celtic knot are trademarks of Mythic Entertainment, Inc.